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8-9 NOVEMBER 2024


International School Amsterdam

Tournament Director: Marianne de Haan


Radar Terrein Amsterdamse Bos 
Nieuwe Meerlaan 1
1187 NW Amstelveen


Bus: The buses can park at the Racing Venue itself 
Cars: You will find several parking places in the area. We expect it to be busier in the Amsterdamse Bos with locals on Saturday.  LINK



ISA is excited to host the NECIS XC tournament for the first time.
While all the XC runners from the different NECIS schools  are training hard to get in their best shape for NECIS, ISA is working hard behind the scenes to ensure we are ready for your arrival. Together we hope to make it a memorable experience for all involved!. 
Not only do we run for fun, but we also run to plant a forest.

Check out the Website: Trees for all.

This flyer contains information for athletes coaches, and visitors.


Antwerp International School

St John's International School

Copenhagen International School

International School of Düsseldorf

International School of Luxembourg

Bonn International School

International School of Amsterdam



09:45-10:00 | Schools arrive, handing out race Bibs
10:15 | Coaches Meeting 
10:30 | Official Opening
10:40 | Walk the course (optional)
11:15 | 3K Race 1 = U12 Girls (30 minutes) 
11:45 | 3K Race 2 = U12 Boys (30 Minutes)
12:15 | 4K Race 3 = U14 Girls (30 minutes)
12:45 | 4K Race 4 = U14 Boys (30 minutes)
13:15-14:00 | Lunch Break 
14:00 | 5K Race 5 = Girls 14+ (U16 + O16 Girls) (45 minutes) 
14:45 | 5K Race 6=  Boys 14+ ( U16 + O16 Boys) (45 minutes) 
15:30  | Closure Day 1
15:45  | Approx departure



Fundraiser-run | RUN (for the) FORREST RUN!
Run as many laps per school so together we run a forest! 
All U12B &U12 G, U14B & U14G, U16B & U16G, O16B & O16G  


09:00 | Schools arrive
09:15 | Group Warm-up with Music
09:30 - 10:30 | Course open for lap counting (fast laps runners in front*)
10:45 - 11:30 | Medals Day 1 + summary of first hour Sat runs
11:30 - 12:30 | Course open for lap counting  part 2 (With bad weather- we adapt)
12:30 - 13:45 | Lunch-BBQ
13:45 | Final score day 2 Fundraising/ NECIS closure
14:00 | Teams depart

*The fastest runner per age group earns 1 Tree for the Forrest 


Please refer to the by-laws


Individual and team trophies


Lunched will be provided. ISA Booster Club will be present.



Tournament participants and their parents will be informed by their AD as to where they are staying.

© 2023 NECIS, Northwest European Council of International Schools



Website Design: Pop-up-assistant

The Northern European Council International School (NECIS) is committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being and safety of all international students and participants in our organisation. We take seriously our duty of care to protect children in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of International Schools Task Force on Child Protection and hold ourselves to the highest standard in addressing this legal and ethical responsibility. 

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