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7-9 NOVEMBER 2024


BIS is excited to host this fun, competitive and sporting this year’s  NECIS U14 football and volleyball tournaments. We hope all players, coaches, fans and everyone involved enjoy their NECIS experience in Bonn.


Bonn International School

Martin-Luther-King-Straße 14

53175 Bonn, Germany

Tournament Director: Matt De Vries


Stadium Pennenfeld 

53177 Bonn, Germany

​Visitors (who are not players or coaches) need to sign in at the entrance to BIS to receive a day pass to visit the NECIS tournament. 


Antwerp International School
Bonn International School
Copenhagen International School  
International School of Amsterdam
International School of Hamburg
International School of Luxembourg
St John's International School 
International School of Düsseldorf
Nord Anglia International School of Rotterdam
Frankfurt International School


1st, 2nd, 3rd Place - Trophy and Medals
4th Place - Medals 
Plate Winner - Trophy 
Most Sporting Team - Trophy
All players will receive a tournament patch


Lunch will be provided for the teams and coaches.

Limited food and drinks will be on sale courtesy of Rent A Cook or Dragon’s Cafe.
Everyone should bring their own reusable water bottles. Limited water will be on sale at the tournament but plenty of water is available to fill your bottle. 




Tournament participants and their parents will be informed by their AD as to where they are staying.


Parents are welcome to watch the tournament. We have no special arrangements and encourage parents to book their preferred hotel. Please do not book at the team hotel per NECIS rules.

© 2023 NECIS, Northwest European Council of International Schools



Website Design: Pop-up-assistant

The Northern European Council International School (NECIS) is committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being and safety of all international students and participants in our organisation. We take seriously our duty of care to protect children in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of International Schools Task Force on Child Protection and hold ourselves to the highest standard in addressing this legal and ethical responsibility. 

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